What keeps me busy
Social Events Platform
Android/iOS App
Developed a travel/event app for iOS and Android. Dogfooding amongst the team. Developed Tinder-like swipe system for finding things to do.
Real-Time Group ToDo List đąâī¸
Android/iOS App
I grew tired of using our groupchat to keep track of groceries and errand planning. I thought it would be fun to build a mobile app that makes it easy to collaborate on tasks in real-time. Has been helpful so far on group trips to the supermarket! Currently being used by some family & friends.
FlutterFirebaseNode.jsREST APIAndroid
Reach out if you're interested in developing Wedoo further!
Project MForge
Game Development Project đšī¸
Blender & Unity Engine
Tried my hand at a roughly refined video game in Unity. Over the Summer I have been slowly building up experience in 3D Modeling, 3D Animation and Game development! Stay tuned.
BlenderUnityC#Game DeveopmentMultimedia Design
University of Pennsylvania
đŊ A few projects undertaken while in college (2016-2020)
Tune In, Tune Out đ§
ESE Senior Design Project
Ketterer Memorial Award Winning Project đ
Snap-on selective noise filtering for analog headsets.
KotlinPythonFirebaseEmbedded SystemsSignal Processing
Healthcare Research Project
A.I. Symptom Screening Application
Appropriate Point of Care Diagnostics Program
Our 8-student research team spent the Spring semester researching apropriate point of care diagnostics solutions for communicable diseases. We then embarked on a 3-week research trip to Kumasi, Ghana where we conducted daily interviews with patients, clinicians, and medical professors at Kumasi's regional hospitals and universities. We noticed potential shortcomings in a paper-based TB patient evaluation screening process used in some of the public hospitals that we felt could be addressed by the empowering nursing staff with A.I. We developed an application as a PoC for an symptom-based classification system that could be used to assess risk for HIV/Tuberculouses co-infection and minimize the potential for missed cases. We showcased our solution at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Techology in Kumasi.
ResearchHealthcareMachine LearningPythonJava
Teammate(s): 2019 APOC Team
Calorie Life Cam
Embedded Systems Project
ESE 350
Wearble dietary documentation device prototype.
C/C++PythonIBM Watson APICircuitsEmbedded Systems
Teammate(s): Ransford Antwi
Automatic Guitar Tuner
Embedded Systems Project
ESE 350
Built a grip to automatically tune guitar based on string frequency input loop.
MATLABSolidWorks CADArduinoSignal Processing
Teammate(s): Andrew Adallah